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For the past few weeks I have been working on a project for Windows automation. The result is Launchorz, Powerful JavaScript libraries for Win32 automation.

Look at this!'notepad.exe')
Dialog.askYesNo('Question','Did you expect this to happen?');

LnzScript is the language of the Launchorz project. It is JavaScript (run locally, not in a web browser) with libraries for simulating keystrokes, mouse movements, working with files, and a lot more.

Read the actually substantial documentation:

Try it now! Download and get the source from Github:

Look at what it can do:

One cool aspect of the project: documentation is written inline with the C++ code. Then, a Python script creates an xml file from this documentation. This same xml file is used for reading by C++, C#, and even rendering to the browser! I wrote an xsl transform that renders the documentation, so that it can be seen in a browser. If you look at the source, you'll notice that it is xml.

AutoIt exists and is good at what it does. However, its syntax and minimal data structures will not do for non-trivial programs. More of my rational is given in the documentation.

Leave a comment, or send me an e-mail if you are interested in joining the project. Please try it and give feedback - I will consider feature requests.